If you have read the background in my blog “Saturn opposite Uranus – Phases 1 – 4” you will see that much of the focus of the first two phases at least, on the world stage, was in establishing Barack Obama in his role as U.S. President.  We knew at the outset, that this series of oppositions was going to be about dismantling old institutions and re-building.  The 3rd opposition was centred around the Health Bill, and the comparison between the National Health Service in the U.K.  The 4th opposition was around the cliffhanger of the General Election in the U.K.  Now we are at the final pass of this opposition, we have a new scheme for the National Health Service presented by the new Coalition government.  With Jupiter having joined Uranus in the opposition, the government are taking a huge gamble with our national treasure, in trying to get rid of bureaucracy and save money.  Seamus Milne wrote recently in the Guardian “We cannot allow the end of the NHS in all but name”.  He wrote: “Under the banner of Liberating the NHS, the health secretary Andrew Lansley this week unveiled a programme of dramatic change, promising to free the English health service from bureaucracy, put family doctors in the driving seat and hand power to patients.”  This could well lead to privatisation, and vital funds landing in the wrong hands. It could be that they are promoting the more destructive aspects of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, leading towards greater unfairness in our society.  Not the ending we’d dreamt of for this opposition. With the 5th and final opposition taking place on Monday 26th July, the day after the Jupiter-Pluto square, we may see some of the impact on our NHS quite clearly on Monday.